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Our First Submissions Call

This is our first submissions call.
The two anthologies are Summer’s End and Broken Bones & Ten Dollar Bills

Summer’s End is an anthology of fantastical stories that will be about the end of ages, civilisations, golden times that decline inexorably or suddenly. Think the fall of the men of Numenor, the end of the first age of Yggdrasil, the sacking of Rome or the swallowing of Anhkor Watt by the forests as its people disappeared.

Broken Bones & Ten Dollar Bills is an anthology of science fiction stories that explore our relationship with body altering technology, be that genetics or other techs. We want to see stories that explore our relationship with technology but also those people who traffic in these goods, those scientists who invent them and the corporations who profit from our awkwardness about being embodied.

For both anthologies we’re looking for original, previously unpublished pieces of between 2,000 and 5,000 words.

Submissions will be open until midnight April 30 2016.

Normal submissions formats are an absolute requirement – so if in doubt go to our submissions guidelines page for guidance.

We are committed to providing a small, token, payment to each author (£10) and contributors copies. Further payments will be royalties based on profit after costs – it’s not ideal we know and as we build a base of books then we expect to change that but for now that’s the gig.

Submissions should be sent to: submissions@alternative-realities.co.uk


4 thoughts on “Our First Submissions Call

  1. Hmmm, I may have to have a go at the Summer’s End submission….

    Posted by shavenwookiee | January 24, 2016, 5:49 pm


  1. Pingback: Taking Submissions: Summer’s End | Coffintree Hill - January 18, 2016

  2. Pingback: Taking Submissions: Broken Bones and Ten Dollar Bills | Coffintree Hill - January 20, 2016

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